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Supervision for DSLs

We are experienced at conducting supervision sessions with DSLs. These can be either group sessions or individual. They are based on the widely used 4 x 4 x 4 model but are also soft edged, focusing heavily on the wellbeing of individuals, in what are increasingly challenging roles.


All sessions follow an agenda and include a 'Takeaway Trio' for participants, consisting of three relevant and recent updates. A sample of one of these can be found here.

Additional Information

Why Supervision?


There are two main drivers for the need for supervision in schools


  • Increasing stresses and pressures affecting staff (Including morale and mental health) ie: emotional support

  • Safeguarding responsibility (it is a feature of all other caring professions)


What is supervision?


At its simplest, it is a professional conversation. In the Better Balance model, it may draw in aspects of good practice in coaching, mentoring and counselling. If staff are supported through supervision, they can not only provide for the needs of the children better, but it contributes to building safeguarding cultures and just as importantly, it helps to protect staff mental health and builds resilience. Conversations may be challenging at times but only in the form of 'critical friend.'


Supervision recognises the needs of children and safeguarding culture and supports the mental health and resilience of staff


What are the benefits?


  • It is explicitly mentioned as a requirement in KCSIE

  • Staff have repeatedly said that they want and need it

  • It supports the mental health and resilience of staff

  • It demonstrates that you value your staff and are proactive in supporting them.


The Supervision model used by Better Balance Education is the Integrated (4 x 4 x 4) model. 


4 Functions: Management, Support, Mediation, Development

4 Elements: Experience, Reflection, Analysis, Action Planning

4 Stakeholders: Children, Staff, Organisation, Partner Organisations

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